Select one
Did the violation occur at (or for employment at) a work site in Alberta? *
Select one
Where did the violation occur? *
Select a date
Date of incident giving rise to referral: *
Type first name of worker
First Name of Worker: *
Type last name of worker
Last Name of Worker: *
Type phone number of worker (xxx-xxx-xxxx) phone number should be xxx-xxx-xxxx
Worker's Phone Number (xxx-xxx-xxxx): *
Worker's Address:
Union Member ID# required
Union Member ID#: *(listed on the upper right hand corner of Dispatch Slips. Enter "NA" if unknown.)
Referring Organization Contact Information |
Type legal name of organization
Legal Name of Organization (please avoid abbreviations): *
Type name of the individual making referral
Name of Individual Making Referral: *
Type position of the individual making referral
Position: *
Type email of the individual making referral email must be in format
Email 1: *
Email 2:
Email 3:
Type phone number of organization (xxx-xxx-xxxx) phone number should be xxx-xxx-xxxx
Phone Number: *
Project / Dispatch Information |
Type name of project
Name of Project: *
Type name of employing contractor
Name of contractor employing / who intended to employ individual referred (if different from referring organization):
Select a dispatch date
Date of Dispatch: *
Select a work start date
Work Start Date: *
Select one
The individual was employed (or intended to be employed) under the following Alberta Collective Agreement: *
Is the contractor making contributions to the Rapid Site Access Program (RSAP) for the work in question?
Select one
Was the testing performed in accordance with the Alcohol & Drug Work Rule (Canadian Model)? *
Select at least one
This referral is in respect to: *
Select at least one
Reason for violation:
Please attach copy of the Dispatch Slip & A+D Test Results if applicable and available.
You may upload a maximum of two PDF documents; for multi-document submissions, please combine your documents into a single file before uploading.
Contractor / Union: additional comments relevant to the case management of this file:
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